01204 Area Code

Are you puzzled who is calling you from 01204 number? Are you worried about the charges if you dial a 01204 number? Where is 01204 area code belong to?

If you are bothered by these questions, this article is the place to be!

Part 1: Where Is the 01204 Area Code? 

The 01204 is the geographical dialing code for the Bolton city and its surrounding area. The subscriber number following the 01204 area code is 6 digits long. 

Previously, the area code of Bolton was 0204. However, a major change in the structure of the telephone numbers occurred on 16 April 1995 and ‘1’ was added after the initial zero in the area code. This updated the area code of Bolton to 01204.

Besides Bolton, 01204 area code provides coverage to the following locations: 

  • Belmont Village
  • Farnworth
  • Horwich (Lancs.)
  • Tottington (Bury)
  • Turton

Although the majority of 01204 number belongs to Bolton or nearby suburbs, some businesses may use these geographical numbers virtually.

In this case, the business can be based anywhere in the world but want to give an impression of local presence by utilizing virtual phone numbers. 

Part 2: Dialing 01204 Area Code in the UK 

If you are dialing a 01204 number from the city of Bolton, it is local and does not need an area code in the beginning. Simply dial the 6 digit number directly from your landline i.e. XXX XXX

On the contrary, area code is required before the subscriber number if you are dialing from another city within the UK. The number on your dial-pad would look like 01204 XXX XXX. Similarly, you will need to add an area code if you are calling from the cellular network.

Part 3: Dialling 01204 Area Code from Abroad

Dialing a 01204 number from anywhere in the world is possible. The first step for making an international call is to dial the international access code i.e. ‘00’ or ‘+’.Then enter the country code of UK i.e. + 44. 

Now, you have to put in the area code of Bolton while removing the first zero i.e.’1204′. Finally, enter the phone number to which you are going to make a call i.e. ‘+44 1204 XXX XXX’ or ‘00 44 1204 XXX XXX’.

Part 4: How Much Does It Cost to Call an 01204 Number? 

Many landline operators and telecom operators offer flexible call packages that allow free calls at certain times of a day, free minutes, or a reduced rate for calling a 01204 number.

The cost to call a 01204 number is the same as it is for all other local 01 and 02 area code telephone numbers in the UK. Here’s an average cost for calling a Bolton phone number from within the UK. 

  • Calls to 01204 numbers will cost up to 10p per minute depending on the time of day when calling from a landline and normally there is often a call set-up fee.
  • The charges lessen to 5 – 10 p per minute when calls are made from landline during the evening time and at weekends.
  • When calling from cellphones, calls to 01204 numbers cost between 10p and 40p per minute. 
  • You might enjoy free calls if you use your free inclusive minutes which are part of your rewards package, or bundle provided by your service provider.


01204 is the area code of Bolton City and its surrounding area. You can call a Bolton number from within the UK or from abroad by using the correct number format. The cost of calling a Bolton number varies as per your subscribed package and the service provider.

cNumber provides the most reliable and efficient virtual phone services for your business. You can also get your 01204 number at a relatively cheap and affordable price.