01642 Area Code

The North Yorkshire town of Middlesbrough is specified as the 01642 area in England. Hence, people living in the area register to the phone numbers beginning with the four-digit area code.

As a subscriber of the region, your phone number will be grouped under phone numbers with the 01642 area code before them to receive calls.

This article is going to provide complete information on the code of the Middlesbrough region. So go ahead and know all about the 01642 area code.

Part 1: Where Is the 01642 Area Code?

Since long, callers from all over the globe use the area code 01642 to call upon a Middlesbrough number. Some areas surrounding the town also use the 01642 area code. These areas include: 

  • Billingham
  • Eaglescliffe
  • Eston Grange
  • Great Ayton
  • Hartburn
  • Haverton Hill
  • Hutton Rudby
  • Ingleby Barwick
  • Linthorpe
  • Maron in Cleveland
  • Norton
  • Redcar
  • Seal Sands
  • Stainton
  • Stockton-on-Tees
  • Stokesley
  • Thornaby-on-Tees
  • Wainstones
  • Yarm

Earlier the code for the 01642 area was MI2. The name came from the first two initials of Middlesbrough. After that, the area code was 0642. In the mid-’90s the area code of Middlesbrough was changed. It became 01642 from 0642.

Part 2: Dialing 01642 Area Code within the UK

The Middlesbrough area is comparatively small. This helps in connecting to nearby towns easily. So, people often set up their businesses in this town of England. 

To phone for dealing or just connecting with people from within the UK, the 01642 telephone code is necessary. However, keep in mind that calls from Middlesbrough to Middlesbrough do not demand the 01642 area code. 

Usually, the UK phone number has six digits. To make a call to Middlesbrough from areas outside Middlesbrough and within the UK, all you need is dial this code and then the number. The format of the number will be 01642 XXX XXX. 

Now you can give a ring on this number and speak to whoever you want to from anywhere in the United Kingdom. 

Part 3: Dialing 01642 Area Code Outside of the UK

Calls to Middlesbrough from any other place outside the UK will need the insertion of the code before the Middlesbrough phone number. 

To make smooth communication possible, insert +/00 as the international access code of the callers country. Then add 44 which is the country code of the UK. Lastly, type the 01642 area code without 0. Now add the six-digit-number of Middlesbrough in the end. 

The international version of a Middlesbrough mobile number will be something like 00 44 1642 XXX XXX. 

Part 4: The Cost of Calling an 01642 Number

Telephoning to the 01642 area code is very cost-effective. People can talk to Middlesbrough within relatively affordable charges. Different phone providers of the region offer bring special rates and offer for people.

At the peak time, a landline call to the town costs 10p-12p per minute. Otherwise, the charges of dialing Middlesbrough vary from 5p-10p per minute. Calls from mobile phones cost comparatively more. They range from 30p-50p per minute. 


Numbers starting with the code 01642 are growing. Many people are registering for the code as it is cheap.

If someone is planning to settle in the town then they need to get 01642 numbers beforehand. And definitely, now you have enough knowledge about the 01642 area code.

To make it simpler, cNumber offers a virtual code especially for the 01642 area at a very good price. People can easily connect to Middlesbrough’s phone numbers while sitting far away.

Want to make a call to Middlesbrough? cNumber is there for you.