01942 Area Code

Did you just receive a call from the 01942 area code? Well, you should always be aware of the calls you are responding to. Don’t worry, this article will help you find all your answers related to 01942

The 01942 telephone code is based in Wigan. That means to contact a person or business in Wigan, you need to dial the code before the actual phone number. 

Let’s move forward and learn where all 01942 numbers are used. 

Part 1: Where Is the 01942 Area Code?

The 01942 code is a 4 digits geographically bound code used for telecom purposes in Wigan. The dialing code is dialed followed by 6 digits local telephone number. However, the 01942 dialing code is used in not only Wigan but also its surrounding areas like: 

  • Ashton-in-Makerfield
  • Orrell
  • Aspull
  • Blackrod
  • Atherton
  • Hindley
  • Platt
  • Leigh
  • Westhoughton
  • Bridge

Before 1995, 0942 was the dialing code of Wigan for both landline and mobile phone connections. During a popular event named PhONEday, the area code became 01942.

The addition of number ‘1’ between the trunk number zero and the area code was modified to produce a considerable amount of new phone numbers to meet the increasing demand

Part 2: Dialling 01942 Area Code from the UK

As mentioned till now, 01942 numbers are generally Wigan’s local area connections but many businesses own these numbers from outside of Wigan. Many businesses use these numbers to increase their local presence in the area without having office space in Wigan. 

While calling from outside of Wigan, you need to dial the 01942 phone code followed by the usual number of the person you are calling to. The final number format will be: 01942 xxx xxx. Moreover, it is not necessary to dial the area code while calling from within the local area.

Part 3: Dialling 01942 Area Code from Abroad

You can certainly make calls to Wigan telephone numbers from abroad. Some simple modifications in the usual number will help you to connect the person sitting in Wigan

Firstly, dial the international prefix of your countries such as 00, 0011, or 011 (depends on the country you are calling from). Next, skip the initial trunk number zero and dial the UK code 44. 

Now, enter the remaining local area code, 1942, followed by the usual dialing number of the person. Your final format will look something like this: 00 44 1942 XXX XXXX.

Part 4: How Much Do 01942 Numbers Cost to Call?

If you are calling to 01942 dialing code, it will cost you similar to calling other areas of the UK. For landline users, the charges are up to 10p per minute, depends on the time of the day. 

On the other hand, if you are a mobile user, calls to these numbers cost between 10p and 40p per minute. If you wish to know the exact calling rates, contact your network provider as you need to consider several factors to determine the cost. 

You can make your call free of cost with the help of bundle packs or free minutes allowances. So, whenever you make a call to 01942 area codes, only the free minutes get deducted without any additional cost. 


Hopefully, this article has helped you to understand the 01942 area code, where it comes from, and how to use it. So, next time when you receive or dial the 01942 telephone area code, you know the number is trustworthy and from Wigan. 

Whether you have any query or want to purchase 01942 area codes, cNumber is always at your service. We are known for providing the best deal at affordable prices on number purchase and for the 01942 std code of India, Australia, and other countries. 

So, don’t think twice and contact cNumber today.