02895 Area Code

If you have received a call or about to call a 02895 area code, you must be wondering what number is this and who just called you. Is it even safe to answer this number? 

Well, a legitimate company calls from these Belfast phone numbers if you have opted for receiving from them. However, to create a ghost phone number, businesses in Belfast use the 02895 area code. 

Whether it is your new business or an existing one, if you are willing to establish a presence in Belfast, these Belfast dialing codes are a great way to achieve it. Moving ahead, let’s learn what exactly are these phone numbers:

Part 1: Where Is the 02895 Area Code?

The 02895 area code is a geographical dialing code based in Belfast. If you are not able to receive the call on your 02895 Belfast phone code, the call automatically gets forwarded to the network number of your choice. 

These code for Belfast are also used in its surrounding area like: 

  • Andersonstown
  • Ardoyne
  • Skegoniel
  • Balmoral
  • Stranmillis
  • Belfast City Centre
  • Springfield
  • Castlereagh
  • Windsor
  • Shankill

The difference between a BT 02895 landline phone number and 02895 ghost number is, the ghost number is not bound to any physical telephone line as they are cloud-based. And this is the reason why the 02895 ghost number enables more benefits and services. 

In 2000, the update in the Belfast dialing code happened because of the Big Number Change. The city started using 28 numberings instead of the old 1232 area code. 

It started only with 2890 area code but with the rapid growth of the telecommunication need, the 02895 came into the picture, and especially businesses started using them. 

Part 2: Dialing 02895 Area Code in the UK

One of the most interesting things about these numbers is, the caller never gets a busy tone as in such cases the calls get diverted to another number of the receiver’s choice. 

So, to call 02895 dialing code within the UK, simply dial the area code followed by the usual number. This will result in a 02895 xxx xxx phone number.  

Moreover, the majority of the Belfast telephone code is regular landline networks. This might not be true as many businesses don’t provide a service that requires a physical address, but having a phone number means they certainly have area code. 

Part 3: Dialing 02895 Area Code from Abroad

It is certainly possible to call these numbers to Belfast from wherever in the world you are. However, there is a simple change the caller needs to make i.e. to add a Belfast country code. You need to replace the zero and instead add international dial-in code (+44) for the UK. 

So, your number will look like +44 2895 xxxx xxxx, the area code, and the remaining phone number of the person you are calling. However, in some countries, you need to add an international prefix before your country code and area code. 

Part 4: What Is the Cost of Calling an 02895 Number?

Calling 02895 Belfast code can cost you up to 10p per minute when called from a landline. However, the cost depends on the time of the day you are calling at and you might also be charged with a call set-up fee. 

On the other hand, calls from the mobile phone on these numbers will cost between 10p and 40p per minute. 

If you have any landline or mobile offers inclusive of free calls at certain times of the day or a bundle minutes pack, you can call 02895 dialing codes for a reduced cost. 


With 02895 Belfast telephone numbers, you can handle multiple calls simultaneously.

This is possible because 02895 ghost phone numbers can be distributed across multiple sites or workers. So now the customers will not hear an engaged tone which will increase your credibility. 

If you are planning on buying 02895 area code for your business, contact cNumber for the best and affordable deals. Their friendly customer executives are always ready to answer any query related to Belfast numbers or any other numbers.