How Much Do 0370 Numbers Cost to Call?

Do you want to know about the cost to call an 0370 number? Here is all the information you need about the 0370 number call costs from every network in the UK. You will also find out about how you can get your own 0370 number instantly.

Part 1: Are 0370 Numbers Free to Call?

Many people confuse the 0370 numbers with the freephone numbers. They believe that calls to an 0370 number will not be charged. However, that is not the case.

Calls to 0370 are always charged at a per minute rate. The 0370 numbers are treated as ordinary landline numbers without any geographical limitations.

Therefore, if you have free minutes to call a landline phone, calls to the 0370 numbers might not be charged.

Part 2: Cost of Calling 0370 Numbers from Mobile

Most mobile network providers give you free minutes in your account to call landline phones. First things first, you should check this free minute balance to know if you will even be charged for the phone call that you are making.

Besides the free minutes, the calls to an 0370 number are charged on a per minute basis. Here is a detailed list of call charges to 0370 number from various networks:

Provider Inside contracted landline minutes allowance Outside contracted landline minutes allowance
ASDA Mobile Free 8p/m
Delight Mobile Free 3p/m
EE Free 30p/m
GiffGaff Free 10p/m
Lebara Mobile Free 19p/m
LycaMobile Free 15p/m
O2 Free 35p/m
Tesco Mobile Free 25p/m
Three Mobile Free 3p/m
Virgin Mobile Free 26p/m
Vodafone Free 30p/m


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Part 3: Cost of Calling 0370 Numbers from Landline

In general, it is cheaper to call 0370 numbers from landline phones as compared to mobile phones. When you are calling an 0370 number from a landline phone, here are the charges:

Provider Approximate peak cost
BT 12p/m + 21p set up charge
TalkTalk 13.5p/m
Sky 9.5p/m
Virgin Media 12p/m

Part 4: Switching to 0370 Numbers

0370 numbers are mainly used for commercial purposes by businesses or for helpline purposes by charities.

Telecom regulations advised using the 0370 numbers to save costs for the customers who are calling a business. Earlier, businesses used to employ the premium rate phone numbers, which turned out to be very expensive.

Considering the benefits that come with an 0370 number, even organizations such as hospitals and banks are switching over to the 0370 numbers as well.

Also Read: How Much Does It Cost to Call 0370 Numbers on EE?

Part 5: How Can I Get an 0370 Number?

If you want your own 0370 number for business purposes, you can get it instantly at cNumber.

cNumber is a virtual phone number provider that provides you with your own choice of phone numbers for your business.

Not only do you get the option to select your preferred phone number, you actually get the lowest pricing plans for having the 0370 number.

You can use the 0370 number that you get from cNumber for as long as you like. There are a lot of other services as well that you get with the number.

Therefore, if you want an 0370 number, you should get one from cNumber asap before someone else takes your favorite one!

Wrapping Up

If you wanted to know the calling costs on 0370 numbers, you have found all the information now. You even know how to get your own 0370 numbers, which I suggest you check out now.