How Much Do 0203 Numbers Cost to Call?

Are you interested in knowing what 0203 numbers cost to call? Are they free? And how can you get a 0203 cNumber for yourself? This reading will answer your questions regarding 0203 numbers.

You can get your own 0203 cNumber whenever you want.

Part 1: Are 0203 Numbers Free to Call?

No, 0203 numbers are not free to call. These numbers are the geographic area codes of the UK and have standard charges applied when calling to these numbers.

However, a user having inclusive free minutes or offers from a tariff can call these numbers free of extra charge. If a user doesn’t have free-minutes or has used all of their data, then a standard rate is applied. This is added to an access fee.

The access fee is the charge that the network providers imply and it varies from provider to provider. It is always a good idea to look up what a network provider charges before buying a 0203 number for yourself.

This will give you an idea of what your final billing cost is likely to be for 0203 numbers.

Part 2: Cost to Call 0203 Numbers

The cost of calling 0203 numbers varies from provider to provider, and the packages that users avail from providers. Generally, the 0203 call charges include a per-minute rate that the network provider offers and an access charge.

2.1 Cost to Call 0203 Numbers from Landline

The 0203 numbers are sometimes referred to as the local rate, basic rate, or the national rate numbers.

The standard rate for calling 0203 numbers from a landline is up to 16 pence per minute. Some providers also charge a set-up fee or commonly known as a connection fee. This setup fee is generally 23 pence but can vary from provider to provider.

The 0203 numbers call charges also depend on the hours and days of the week during which call is made. This is because some providers offer free calls during certain hours of the days or certain days of the week. This also depends on the provider.

The standard calling rates from some well-known providers are listed next.

Provider Call Rate (landline)
Vodafone 55p per minute
Virgin 17p per minute
BT 11.3p per minute + 3.3p set-up charge

2.2 Cost of Calling 0203 Numbers from Mobile

Like landlines, the cost of calls to 0203 numbers from mobile also vary from provider to provider. They also depend on the calling plan and package that a user avails. Most of the time, providers provide free call packages in which calls to 0203 numbers are included.

However, the standard rate of calling 0203 numbers from mobiles ranges from 3p to 65p per minute. This is applicable if the user does not have free inclusive minutes.

Different providers offer different calling plans like pay monthly and pay as you go plans. The call charges for 0203 numbers from mobiles that some known providers offer are listed next. These rates are for the Pay As You Go plan offered by providers.

Provider Call Rate (Mobile)
O2 30p per minute added to 30p access fee
EE 30p per minute, however, the first minute charges 74p due to connection fee of 44p
Vodafone 30p per minute, however, the first minute charges 60p

Part 3: Find Out More about 0203 Numbers

0203 numbers are the geographic area code numbers of the UK assigned to the parts of London city. These numbers are generally used by businesses operating in London. However, someone operating outside London may also get access to these 0203 numbers.

The introduction of 020 numbers expanded the phone numbers by 50%. These numbers are represented in a specific pattern as 020 3*** **** where 020 indicates London location.

The 0203 numbers have different pros and cons which are mentioned next.


  • These numbers are affordable for a large number of users.
  • Locals recognize these numbers well. Therefore, they are good for persons who wish to establish their virtual business in London.
  • Businesses having a local London number enjoy good repute among the masses.


  • The 0203 numbers are connected with scams and fraudulent can easily use them.
  • The flexibility for using 0203 numbers while not being in London on one hand proves beneficial for the business. While on the other hand, give scammers a golden chance to scam the locals.

Part 4: How to Get 0203 Number for Your Business?

Are you interested in getting a 0203 number for your business? Given the pros of using these numbers it is a good choice. cNumber makes it super easy for its users to get their own 0203 number of their choice.

You can reach out to cNumber instantly and get a virtual 0203 cNumber line for yourself. Along with this, cNumber provides unmatchable pricing plans which are set to suit your needs. You can also avail of the services that cNumber has to offer.

These great services allow you to focus on your business instead of the pricing charts. You can start today with your own 0203 cNumber.

It is suggested to hurry up!

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Wrapping Up

You have read about the 0203 numbers cost and the benefits these numbers provide to businesses. Now, you can head up to get your own 0203 number as soon as possible. You can do so at cNumber instantly.