How Much Does It Cost to Call 0845 Numbers on O2?

0845 numbers are non-geographic numbers that are commonly used by customer service providers or some of the information phone line organizations. That is the reason 0845 is known for “Business Rate Number” and “Service Number”.

Let’s move forward to know what are the charges to call Call 0845 Numbers on O2 in the current scenario.

Part 1: What Is the Cost to Call 0845 Numbers on O2?

The 0845 is a service number so its not included in inclusive minutes just like 0800 numbers. Even more, these numbers don’t charge anywhere near as premium-rate number costs such as 09.

0845 costs are like a middle ground. This is the foremost reason why SME businesses prefer to purchase 0845 for their booking lines and customer service.

If we look into revenue and customer ratio, then the O2 is one of the biggest telephone operators in the UK in terms of both. To keep its customers’ needs as a priority, it offers two various call packages for 0845.

  1. Monthly
  2. Pay As You Go
O2 Mobile costs to call 0845 Numbers Monthly Contract – Per Minute Pay You Go Contract – Big Bundle, Big Talker, Internation Pay You Go Contract Other Tariffs
55p Per Minute 45p Per Minute 55p Per Minute

Normal, O2 costs start with 55p to 62p per minute as an access charge and 7p per call service charge.

Part 2: Buying 0845 Numbers

  • Do you want to buy 0845 numbers?

Just visit the 0845 number provider company website and search for the 0845 to proceed online ordering process. Or you can simply visit our homepage – cNumber to buy 0845.

  • How long will it take to activate your 0845 number?

Once you proceed to verify your account and place an order, your 0845 activation process will initiate instantly.

  • Can you buy 0845 to use as a fax machine?

Yes, all 0845 numbers can be accepted for both fax or telephone.

Don’t Miss: How Much Does It Cost to Call 0845 Numbers?

Wrapping Up

As demonstrated by looking at the O2 0845 numbers the cost of the call will be between 55p to 62p per minute. Plus additional service fees of 7p per call. In this article, you can also find when O2 has started to apply the call cost on 0845.

There are many better options you can find for 0845 numbers. If you want more flexible and specialized 0845 bundles then you must have to connect with cNumber.

It offers the best virtual phone services for businesses at pocket-friendly costs. Even more, their support will guide you in choosing the package as per your needs. So would you like to buy 0845 from cNumbers? Then contact us now.