02921 Area Code

Are you looking for information about the 02921 area code? Do you want to know what area does this geographic number represents and how you can dial this number? Are you interested in getting an insight into the calling costs for the 02921 area code?

Keep reading to know these details.

Part 1: Where Is 02921 Area Code?

02921 is a geographic number of UK, assigned as an area code for Cardiff and its neighboring locations. Additionally, the numbers with prefix 02920 and 02922 find their use for the area of Cardiff. The other areas that this code is used for include:

Caerphilly Dinas Powys
Radyr Senghenydd
Sully Penarth
Pentyrch Taffs Well


The area code of Cardiff was changed into the “02” format as a result of the Big Number Change in 2000. The format pattern of the 02921 area code includes an 8-digit number sequence that makes up the Cardiff local number.

However, before the Big Number Change, the “PhONEday” changed the area code of Cardiff. The format that the area code of Cardiff took after the Big Number Change was (029)20XX XXXX.

Later, Ofcom released a new number-format for the Cardiff area code in 2005 as (029)21XX XXXX. The local numbers of the Cardiff start with 2 and 1 digit respectively, which makes the 2921 area code a shortcut for the Cardiff area code.

On the other hand, a misconception was created regarding the telephone codes as the result of the Big Number Change. The correct number pattern of Cardiff, (029) 20XX XXXX, was supposed as 02920 XXXXXX.

The actual area code of Cardiff should be 029 instead of the famous 2921 area code. This often poses problems for the callers as well, who mistake the area code while dialing a number. This eventually results in a misdirected or wrongly dialed call.

Part 2: Dialing 02921 Area Code in the UK

02921 is the geographic number and area code of the UK. Such numbers carry a specific format or pattern which consists of a specific digit-number based local number.

To dial numbers to Cardiff within the UK, the caller has to do a simple process. This process includes dialing the area code for Cardiff, which is 02921 and then adding the local number after it.

Part 3: Dialing 02921 Area Code from Abroad

Dialing numbers to UK areas from within the UK and from abroad involve different protocols. In order to make calls to Cardiff from abroad, the caller needs to take the following steps:

  1. The first and foremost step is dialing the international access code.
  2. Next, the caller enters the country code for the UK. This is a two-digit code (44).
  3. After this, the caller enters the local 029 Cardiff code. It is important to make sure that the caller doesn’t enter the first zero in this step.
  4. The last step requires the caller to dial the remaining telephone number.

For instance, if someone calls from the United States, they will dial 011 44 2921 XXX XXX.

Part 4: The Cost of Calling a 02921 Number

02-numbers form the geographic numbers of the UK, and their calling charges remain the same as the local rate numbers.

Therefore, the general rate of calling a 02921 number is equal to the normal UK rate. This is irrespective of the area from where the call is made within the UK.

For the business lines that use 02921, the business authorities pay for any extra charges that incur on the call. Moreover, many phone tariffs allow calls to the 02921 numbers free of cost.

There are calling plans that allow for unlimited calls to 02921 numbers. While some plans restrict the free calls to certain hours of the day, different companies charge differently for these numbers.

On average, the maximum rate of calling 02921 numbers is 13 pence per minute. Likewise, many mobile phone plans offer a monthly allowance of free minutes for the 02921 area code.

The range of cost for calling 02921 area code using mobile phone extends from 3 pence to 55 pence per minute. These rates vary with the network provider too.


The 02921 area code is used for Cardiff and its outskirts in the UK. There are some specific dialing protocols for connecting calls to this area code from within the UK. Likewise, there is a specified procedure to call from abroad to these numbers.

Knowing all the details about the 02921 area code, you can decide for yourself to get a 02921 number. You can grab a 02921 number of your choice from cNumber whenever you want.